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Design Outside the Lines

with John Marshall

Class WebPage

Ashland, OR March 30-April 4, 2025  Crystal Room in the historic Ashland Springs Hotel

Supply Recommendations

click on the icon above to view the suggested materials list page

Welcome to our class web page!
The purpose of this page is to augment our in person program both before and after sessions. Here you'll find a list of suggested supplies you might want to bring along with downloads and supplementary video clips. the material is designed to help you prepare ahead of time, if you choose, and to serve as a refresher once we've all gone home. This page will be up and available to you for one month after the class ends, until May 4th.

Topics of Interest

John_STUDIO circle.png
katazome start to finish 3.png
SAM colors of earth.png
ToM 3.png

Virtual Tour of John's Studio

Katazome Start to Finish
showing how surface design may be calculated to match at seams

Colors of the Earth, Colors of the Sky
lecture for Seattle Art Museum discussing the colors and color aesthetics of Okinawa

Textile of the Month Group 2025

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Sunday, March 30

1 pm - 4/4:30 pm
Earlier in the day I'll be setting up in our classroom. You're welcome to come by, drop your supplies off, and just say "hello!"

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The daily outline below is intended as a general guide. It may be adjusted along the way to accommodate the real-time needs of the class.

This first session will be a chance to get to know one another - and I see from the class roster that there will be several familiar faces in our group. After everyone has settled in, we'll launch into the basic concepts of Japanese garment design and construction and the broad range of tweaks that may be made to fashion comfortable and stylish creations for modern wear.

Have a question? You're probably not the only one.

Don't see the answer to your question below? Feel free to write me and ask.

Am I required to purchase a kit or supplies for this course?

No. Some unique textiles and other treasures will be available outside of class time during the retreat to inspire you, but none are required for the course. For a list of supplies you may want to considering bringing along with you, click on the icon below.

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Monday, March 31

9:00 am - 4:30 pm (with an hour lunch break)

chain Hawaii makisode.png
hydrangea robe 1b.png

What do all these styles have in common? They're all based on the humble Japanese field worker's hanten jacket. We'll start off our class with examining how a traditional hanten is constructed and then quickly move on to how it may be jazzed up through minor changes in seam placement and pattern shape. We'll cover how to fit these variations to your body type and charge in on construction.

black flame makisode.png
harp Miya makisode.png
crane circle makisode.png

As a break in the afternoon, we'll spend a little time discussing the delightful Japanese custom of adding charms to clothing. These come in many forms – from 3D constructs to jsut a few simple stitches. However understated or elaborate you choose to make yours, it's always a well appreciated touch.

charm kimono 1.png
charm buttons.png
charm sarubobo circle.png
charm shibori strawberry.png

If  I'm flying and can't bring all the supplies with me, or for some reason can't find all of them, will you have some available to us in class?

I'll be driving up, so if you're really having a problem with this, get in contact with me and we can work something out. I will be bringing additional fabrics and other items from Japan and offering them for sale. I'll be listing many them on this web page soon. Feel free to order ahead to enure it will be available to you and I will bring it with me. Otherwise, check out the ssupply page for more options.

How long will this class web page be available to us?

This web page will remain active and available to you until May 4, 2025.

Will we be able to work outside our class time on projects?

I believe Diane has made special arrangements for students to be able to work on their projects outside of class time without lugging everything up to their hotel rooms - be sure to check with her directly for verification and details.

Why is there no sound on the Vimeo links?

The Vimeo links are to the video clips I've prepared for use in our gatherings to allow me to speak over them and so have no sound attached. These will be added to the class page at the end of each day. They are intended for your review only – you won't be able to. download them.

Do I need a password to access any of the links or recordings?

Yes. Use the access code Design2025

What other courses does Diane offer?

Visit Diane's website at

What other courses does John offer?

Visit John's website at

Does John have a newsletter?

Yes. The best way to stay current on my upcoming courses, gatherings, and offerings is to sign up for my newsletters. I email them out roughly once a month and include Japanese culture and fiber related topics. Sign up here:

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Tuesday, April 1

9:00 am - 4:30 pm (with an hour lunch break)

Pick a shape – any shape! We'll be expanding a bit on the hanten variations covered yesterday by working through some seemingly random shapes – the letter "O", the letter "P", the letter "X", and the Japanese letter "" just to get us started. What's your favorite letter or character?

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Topics and Downloads of Interest

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Information will be posted here as we get closer to class and once class begins.

_X_ brown aoi.png
_ひ_ Helen brown.png
_O_ peacock feathers.png

Collars can be challenging but they also present us with a wonderful opportunity to frame our features. We'll start with a range of traditional Japanese collar shapes and run with them as our afternoon diversion.

collars burlap mum.png
colalrs hydrangea robe.png
collar. dragon front.png
collars Ludy leaves.png

Make Your Selection

Line drawings of the images I've used in class will posted below. You may want to download them to use as templates or underdrawings to get yourself started on your version of the project covered.

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Information will be posted here as we get closer to class and once class begins.

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Wednesday, April 2

9:00 am - 4:30 pm (with an hour lunch break)

Our focus today will be on optimizing the opportunity unusual fabrics afford us – sometimes this will be the challenge of balancing bold patterns, sometimes weaves that seem to have a life of their own, and sometimes finding a way to make the best use of a sentimental scrap. Be sure to bring along your challenges for individualized help.


Problem with adding pockets to Japanese-based designs? We'll be covering a range of options in this afternoon's break.

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Thursday, April 3

9:00 am - 4:30 pm (with an hour lunch break)

Time to wind up your projects! Today will be spent focusing on giving individualized attention to each of you as we solve any challenged that may have arisen as well as introducing additional techniques to enhance your creative designs.

galactic warrior.png
helen sakasa.png
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Friday, April 4

9:00 am - noon

Tidy up room, sharing circle, warm goodbyes.

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